No. 262 Arriving at the Truth 真実への到達
Ayame Park
千尋: 残念だわ やはり…
始末する他 ないようね
Chihiro: Well. That is a shame.
This isn't ideal, but you know too much.
郷登蓮也: その銃で私は 撃てません
…イージスを知る 邪魔者は
生かす気はない ということですか
Renya Gouto: You cannot shoot me with that gun.
…So anyone who knows the truth of Aegis is a liability to you.
And liabilities must be dealt with. Does that sum it up?
郷登蓮也: これは…
あなたが護身用に 欲しいと言ったので
Renya Gouto: If you recall…
I specifically acquired this gun for your purposes.
You had concerns about self-defense.
千尋: …
Chihiro: …
千尋: それなら今度は…
あなたがその銃で 私を撃つのかしら
Chihiro: I can guess what happens next.
Now you're going to use it to shoot me.
郷登蓮也: …
Renya Gouto: …
郷登蓮也: …それは誤解です
安全のため あなたと私は撃てない
そういう設定に してあります
Renya Gouto: …Perhaps I wasn’t clear.
For safety reason, neither one of us can be shot with this gun.
I configured it very specifically.
郷登蓮也: …やはりそうだ
銃の使用履歴では 発砲の時刻は
先生の死亡推定時刻と ほぼ一致する
この銃で 先生を撃った
Renya Gouto: …As I suspected.
This gun records the time of its last discharge.
And that time looks to be a near match for Ms. Morimura’s estimated time of death.
Which suggests…
You used this gun to murder her.
千尋: …
Chihiro: …
郷登蓮也: それに事件当日 本当は…
ドローンで森村先生を 監視していましたね
あの日の現金の 減り具合からみて
タクシーを利用して 現場に向かった
Renya Gouto: Now, on the day of the crime…
You yourself were using the drone to keep tabs on Ms. Morimura. Weren’t you?
Based off of your expenses for that day…
I’d presume you took a taxi to the crime scene.
千尋: そこまで 調べておいて
今まで とぼけて…
Chihiro: How much do you have in that pocketbook?
Were you just playing dumb this whole time…?
千尋: いつから 気がついていたの?
私が博士の方の 森村千尋だと…
Chihiro: When did you realize?
What gave away that I was the professor, and not her?
△Keitaro Miura→Chihiro
郷登蓮也: 気がついたのは…
三浦がここで あなたを見つけた時です
あなたは三浦を 優秀な設計技師だと言った
だが設計技師は 2188年の三浦だ
Renya Gouto: There was a specific moment…
It was back when Miura found you here.
You described Miura as an excellent design engineer.
But the Miura of 2188 was the design engineer. Not him.
千尋: それも 郷登蓮也の記録?
Chihiro: Did you dig that out of Renya Gouto’s log too?
郷登蓮也: いいえ
17番機兵のAIだった ミウラです
彼は記録の存在も 私に教えてくれました
Renya Gouto: No.
That I learned through Miura, the AI of Sentinel No. 17.
He also told me about the existence of the logs.
千尋: それで… 私をどうするの?
殺さないなら 閉じ込める?
Chihiro: So… what happens to me now?
If you're not killing me, I assume you're at least locking me up?
郷登蓮也: 先生の事を思えば 内心複雑です
だが感情的に恨みを 晴らしても
起こった結果には 何も影響がない
真実により近づく方を 選択する
先生も知らない この計画のその先を…
Renya Gouto: Considering what you did to Ms. Morimura, I'm admittedly… conflicted.
But giving in to my emotional reaction wouldn’t solve anything.
Vengeance isn't going to bring her back.
So, with that in mind...
I would rather choose the path that gets me closer to the truth.
That is what I want now.
To see what lies at the end of all this. To see what she never could.
郷登蓮也: あなたはわかりやすい 嘘をついた
和泉十郎は自分の 趣味ではないと言ったが…
博士と2188年の 和泉は深い関係にあった
セクター1にあなたと 和泉がいる
意図的な配置からも それはわかる
あなたは記憶移植を 設定する前に死んでいる
あなたの意を 汲んで成し遂げた…
Renya Gouto: You told an obvious lie.
You made it clear Juro Izumi was not your “cup of tea”…
Yet you and Izumi shared an intimate relationship in the year 2188.
That was clear enough from all the evidence I found.
Even the placement seemed intentional. You and Izumi, together in Sector 1.
You died before you could set up the memory transplant.
At that point… I can only assume…
Izumi sympathized with you, and helped carry out your vision.
郷登蓮也: 復活を望む緒方憲吾は わかるとして
なぜ…あなたも 記憶を移すのですか?
Renya Gouto: I can certainly understand Kengo Ogata’s motive. He just wants to live again.
But you… Why are you so intent on transplanting your memory?
千尋: それは…
導く者が 必要だからよ
指導者がいなければ 人は仲違いを始める
あのコロニーの 最後のように…
Chihiro: Because…
There has to be a leader.
Without someone to guide them, teams dissolve into fear, spite, resentment…
It’d be the colony all over again.
郷登蓮也: …
なるほど …予想通り
あなたは計画に 対し真摯だ
Renya Gouto: …
I see… As I suspected.
Your devotion to this goal is inspiring, in some ways.
千尋: 1?
Chihiro: …?
郷登蓮也: そこで 提案があります
Renya Gouto: Are you a gambling woman?
郷登蓮也: 私と賭けを しませんか?
あなたの望み通り ターミナルを残します
イージスで 全てを塞ぎ
ループを 閉じたりはしない
Renya Gouto: I’d like to propose a bet.
We’ll leave the terminals alone for you.
We won't let Aegis seal everything off.
Your loop would still be viable.
千尋: …それで?
Chihiro: …And in exchange?
郷登蓮也: この状況…
確かに計画通りには 戻せない
だが考えて みてください
最終工程を終えた その先にもおそらく
苦難や問題は 次々と待ち受ける
我々が 未知なる問題にも
自力で対処できると 証明できれば
あなたの計画を 引き継ぐ
その資質があるとは 考えられませんか
Renya Gouto: As it currently stands…
It’d be impossible to revert to your original plan without some compromise.
But consider this:
Even this final phase won't truly be the end.
We’ll have plenty of struggles beyond it. Plenty more pain ahead of us.
If we can prove to you that we will overcome that…
If we prove to you that we can face the unknown…
Then are we not worthy to take up your cause?
Inheriting your goal, and seeing it through?
千尋: それは… 一理あるわね
Chihiro: You… make an interesting point.
郷登蓮也: 我々がこの問題を 解決してみせます
邪魔はせず 戦わせてくれませんか?
失敗なら リセットで構いません
Renya Gouto: We can solve this problem ourselves.
So my proposal is this: Let us fight our war. No sabotage.
If we fail, then I could hardly object to a reset anyway.
千尋: 賭け…
あなたに 勝ち目はないわよ
Chihiro: That’s your bet?
You don’t stand a chance.
郷登蓮也: さて…それは どうでしょう
Renya Gouto: Well… I suppose we’ll see about that.